Craig & Noreen Browne – Around the World on Cooper
Thank you once again for the terrific $10k prize which enabled Me and Noreen to travel to Italy, France and Spain.
We thoroughly enjoyed the trip and would recommend it to anyone, we flew to Rome and spent a couple of days there before picking up a 19 day tour which gave us a slice of the Italian, French and Spanish cultures, the tour ended in Madrid we then caught the fast train back to Barcelona where we spent the final 5 days before the long trip home.
So thank you once again, as you can see we were really lucky to be able to look around and we did make a point of getting off the tourist run and going to look at how people live which has firmed up our view on how lucky we are in Australia.
Cooper tyres will continue to be my number one choice of tyre and I have done and will continue to tell people how good your product is.
Craig Browne